Our practice will safely reopen for all patient treatment on June 08, 2020

Our community has been through a lot over the last few months.  We are looking forward to seeing you once again in our office.  Governor Baker updated the executive order, allowing general dental care to resume on Monday, June 8th 2020. COVID-19 has been a very difficult time for all of us.  We deeply appreciate your understanding during our shutdown.

While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same; our commitment to your safety, our employee’s safety, and our community’s safety.  Our infection control protocols ensure both safety and comfort for everyone.  The information about the outbreak of COVID-19 is evolving daily, and we want to reassure you we are monitoring the most up-to-date guidance from multiple trusted sources, including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the American Dental Association, the Massachusetts Board of Dentistry, and more.

​During the stay at home order, we have been diligently preparing to treat patients safely by attending numerous training seminars and implementing new engineering controls within our office.  Our office has installed medical grade HEPA filters in the lobby and every treatment room for your safety. The units are capable of removing particles smaller than COVID-19 viruses.  As another added safety measure, we are spreading out our appointments and scheduling extra time for each procedure.   Our team asks for your patience as we work towards reopening our office; this is the first time we have experienced a disruption of care to this extent.

What to expect at your next dental visit

You will notice a lot of changes at your next dental visit:

  • We will be asking a lot of questions to screen for COVID-19.  And then we’ll ask those same questions again.  Please be patient with us.  All of our procedures are in place for your safety and the safety of our amazing staff.
  • We ask that our patients come alone to their appointment, or with one parent/guardian.
  • We ask that all patients arrive at the clinic wearing their own masks.  A mask will be required at all times, only to be removed while actively receiving treatment.
  • ​We will also require our patients to use our hand sanitizer when entering and exiting our office.
  • We will ask that you continue to practice social distancing measures in common areas of the office, including the front desk.  ​
  • We will no longer offer magazines, drinks and so on, since those items are difficult to disinfect.

With the added PPE the temperature in our office may be cooler. Please bring a sweater or sweatshirt to provide comfort during your appointment.

During Treatment

As a practice, we have always followed and will continue to follow guidelines set forth by the CDC, OSHA, and ADA in regards to personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. As always, all treatment rooms will be COMPLETELY sterilized before each patient is seated.

During patient care, safety glasses and/or face shields will be worn by everyone and changed between patients.

All common surfaces that came in contact with the patient will be wiped with disinfectant including the patient chair and anywhere the patient placed their personal items and/or coat hanger.

Checking Out After Your Appointment 

The administration team will be wearing masks while they assist you with payment and scheduling.  As an added safety measure, we are spreading out our appointments and scheduling extra time for each procedure.

We are proceeding with an abundance of caution, but we want you to feel as confident as we do that any visit you make to our office will be a safe one.

We also realize that many of you have been impacted financially during this outbreak, and we are offering some solutions to keep dental care affordable for you and your family. Please check out our Smile Membership Program. It has you covered with preventive care and discounted services.

​To discuss these changes, schedule an appointment, or ask us any questions you may have about your next visit, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 781-438-1003.

Thank you for being our patient. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming back our patients, neighbors and friends.

The Caring Team at Nandhavan Dental of Stoneham